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ESAP Team awarded the ISO 50001:2018 certification standard for performance

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ISO 50001:2018 is designed to help companies improve their overall energy performance by making better use of energy assets, reducing both cost and consumption. Globally, ISO 50001:2018 is used by both large and small organizations to curb environmental impact and enhance energy efficiency.

The ESAP heating and cooling plants being operated and maintained by EQUANS Services Canada have been awarded the ISO 50001:2018 certification standard for performance. Under the leadership of Tom Burton (General Manager), Noman Shahzad P.Eng., PMP (Director of Quality) and John Samulack (Director of Special Projects) co-lead the Team in obtaining ISO 50001:2018 Certification for the ESAP Energy Management System following in the footsteps of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s initial certification in August of 2020. Thank you to Louis-Michel Desjardins P.Eng., M.Eng (Operations and Maintenance Manager), Thomas Ouellet eng., Atta Bhatti and Maria Utano-Frigo for support and very special thanks to the Plant Chiefs Pete Chamberland, Brent Mainville, Marc Laprade and all the Operations and Maintenance team members who work together to achieve these outstanding results!
