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Community Engagement

Taking care of the neighbourhood

We want to hear from you!

Summary of Stage 1 Engagement 
Summary of Stage 2 Community Engagement

Summary of Stage 1

What We Have Accomplished

National Capital Commission (NCC)

Before Innovate Energy was awarded the contract for the Energy Services Modernization (ESM) project, PSPC met with staff from the NCC and presented to the Advisory Committee on Planning, Design, and Realty (ACPDR) multiple times to present the design of the heating and cooling plants as they evolved from September 2017 until December of 2018. The PSPC team worked through several iterations of the design, each time responding to input from staff and the ACPDR. This included:

- Three design charrettes
- Development of an indicative design package for the request for proposal
- NCC comments on the design package
- Revisions to the design package
- NCC design approval in concept, subject to a final approval

The NCC assumed the role of providing input to ensure that the new Cliff plant would respect the primacy of the national symbols, and would blend in well in its location next to the Supreme Court. It also provided critically important input on the design of the new plant proposed for Tunney’s Pasture.

Since contract signature (May 2019) Innovate Energy has assumed responsibility for engaging the NCC on the design and has initiated all other consultations required as part of design and construction.

Investing in more efficient technologies for our heating and cooling plants will reduce costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions. We have reduced emissions by 30% since 2005 and are on track to reduce GHG emissions by a total of 63% once the modernization is completed in 2025.

The current system uses steam for heating and some cooling. Through the modernization we will be switching to a fully electric system for cooling and the use of low temperature hot water for heating. This modernization will pave the way for future decarbonization and expansion of the district energy system.

Part of the plan for modernization is to position the system so that it can be expanded to other buildings – federal or otherwise – that are near the system. We will be positioned to supply LeBreton Flats and all of the buildings in the Tunney’s Pasture Master Plan. We are currently considering opportunities for expansion with the City of Ottawa and will continue to work with other stakeholders to lower the overall community GHG emissions in the National Capital Region.

Summary of Stage 2
Community Engagement

Lorem ipsum

National Capital Commission (NCC)

Suspendisse maximus est nec diam semper pharetra. Phasellus vestibulum scelerisque dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris et condimentum turpis, in finibus dui. Proin et justo semper, fermentum arcu quis, consequat eros. Vestibulum euismod purus quis ante placerat suscipit. Pellentesque ut lacus porta, efficitur orci sit amet, interdum arcu. Fusce orci libero, faucibus vitae ligula et, tempor viverra tellus. Curabitur posuere eu purus ac dictum. Praesent ut quam augue. Quisque id lobortis mi. Sed gravida semper aliquet. Vivamus vel ante leo.

Cras vitae massa in metus varius rutrum a a augue. Mauris enim ligula, maximus nec ligula id, efficitur laoreet neque. Ut tristique et metus vel euismod. Pellentesque rutrum libero sit amet nunc tincidunt, et pharetra dui congue. Proin finibus nunc mauris, sit amet pharetra justo posuere at. Cras egestas rutrum dui, vel lacinia ligula mollis at. Mauris in orci luctus arcu vestibulum sagittis id at augue. Nunc in rhoncus velit. In cursus interdum sapien, eleifend posuere massa lacinia non. Donec ex nunc, egestas id dolor sed, egestas sagittis enim. Morbi in nulla urna. Proin tincidunt magna at libero condimentum tristique. Donec dictum iaculis lacus eu volutpat. Curabitur a est posuere, auctor risus eu, mollis urna. Phasellus ac urna arcu. Praesent dapibus neque felis.

Q&A’s NCC Parkway Closures

What are the anticipated closures for the NCC Parkway?
The eastbound Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway between Parkdale Avenue and Nepean Bay will be closed from June to November 2022.

The westbound lanes will remain open to traffic and become bidirectional.
The Parkdale Avenue ramps will be closed from May 16 to June 20;
 pedestrian and cycling access will remain open
Can you provide dates, duration of closure and location of closure?
Please see above.
What is the recommended route to bypass these closures?
Scott Street is open as well as the Wellington West/Somerset corridor
Who can I contact with questions about the parkway closure?
Please visit the following website to submit your inquiries:
What impact of these closures on the weekend bikedays?
During Weekend Bikedays, this section will be open exclusively for active use.

This letter is to inform you of the construction work that will take place on Marston, Champlain and Laurier streets during 2022.

Due to the works, the streets will be closed for extended periods, in this case we have temporary parking lots.

Below you will see a list of our contractor's responsibilities for assisting residents during the work.

  • The contractor will take care of identifying each recycling bin and waste bin that belongs to the residences;
  • The contractor will be responsible for removing and returning the waste and recycling bins each Thursday respectively on schedule;
  • The contractor will remove and store sections of fencing to create an access route for residents. Photos will be taken before work begins;
  • The contractor will be responsible for maintaining a pedestrian walkway at all times;
  • Lawn damaged by the construction of this project will be replaced with peat;
  • The paving stones and/or the bituminous pavement which will be damaged during the work of this project, will be replaced
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